The Steppes of Mars series imagines a transformed world where a disaster on Earth decades ago cut off all contact with its wealth and resources. Experience a Mars where its genetically modified inhabitants have developed their own cultures, beliefs, and religions. A semi-feudal world where ruling families control vast demesnes under a central government at Barsoom. A world of limited resources where train travel is possible but cars and planes are not. A world of free-cities — open and domed — villages, vast fields and steppes, and people banding together to survive and thrive in this harsh new world.
There are two books in the series in the works: "The Vanished Pearls of Orlov" and "Escape to HighTower," early drafts of which can be read for free. (Note: The covers are homemade and definitely will be replaced upon publication.)
"The Bride From Dairapaska"
On a terraformed Mars, Debbie Miller was sent far from her rural village to be married. But her husband’s abuse forces her to flee with her children into the steppes. Debbie's encounter with the Steppes Riders and their leader, Yannick, ignites changes that attract Mars’ ruling families, and she must learn to defend her new family and tribe.
(Available exclusively at Amazon, in trade paperback and ebook, plus Kindle Unlimited. Or, learn more about it at Peschel Press.)
"The White Elephant of Panschin"
A dark past. A uncertain future.
Under Mars’ domed city, four people’s destinies collide
Near the Martian pole lies the mining city of Panschin, where Airik, the daimyo of Shelleen, seeks help to mine his Red Mercury lode. Chased by con artists and gold diggers, he flees to Veronica Bradwell's White Elephant boarding house. When a thug demands her home, he learns that he's not the only one with secrets, and old sins cast long shadows.
(Available exclusively at Amazon, in trade paperback and ebook, plus Kindle Unlimited. Or, learn more about it at Peschel Press.)
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